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Headache Treatment Lehigh Valley, PA

Facial Pain & Temporal Headaches

TMJ Headaches in Allentown, PAThere are many types of headaches, but they all disrupt your day, affect your mood, and keep you from functioning normally. While headaches are often multifactoral, muscular tension can be a significant contributing factor. Most commonly, facial pain and temporal headaches are due to tension in the group of muscles that close and open your mouth.

These muscles are designed to function in harmony with the shape and position of your teeth and the jaw joints, staying relaxed and pain-free. But, when there is disharmony between the joints and the teeth, the muscles have to work overtime to be sure your teeth come together safely every time. Headaches are a common result of these muscles overworking into fatigue and spasms. The pain in the chewing muscles that attach your forehead, cheekbones, and temples to your lower jaw causes the headaches most of us are familiar with.

It has been our repeated experience that we are able to significantly decrease the frequency, intensity, and duration of our patients’ headaches by balancing their bites so that they can realize occlusal harmony and their muscles can rest. An estimated 35 million adults suffer from TMJ disorder & jaw pain, yet there are very few medical professionals who are properly trained and experienced to diagnose and treat these potentially debilitating disorders.

Dr. Forgosh of Green Hills Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Allentown, PA, has extensive post-graduate training that gives him the skills and experience to find the cause of TMJ disorder and discover the least-invasive and most appropriate solutions for that specific patient.