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Jaw Pain

TMJ Disorder and Jaw Pain: Symptoms, Effects and Treatment Options

It has been estimated that up to 35 million adults suffer from TMJ disorder & jaw pain, yet there are very few medical professionals who are properly trained and experienced to diagnose and treat these potentially debilitating disorders.

Dr. Forgosh of Green Hills Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Allentown, PA, has extensive post-graduate training that gives him the skills and experience to find the cause of TMJ disorder and discover the least-invasive and most appropriate solutions for that specific patient.

About TMJ Disorders

Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) pain is a complex syndrome more accurately called TMD, or Temporo-Mandibular Disorders, with many, many different causes. The common thread is a characteristic pain in the jaw joints just in front of the ears, temples and face from the cheekbone to the jawline.

Other symptoms of TMJ disorders include:

  • Chronic, debilitating headaches
  • Teeth grinding and wear
  • Frequent earaches

With a proper diagnosis and an appropriate individualized treatment plan, many TMJ disorder patients can find relief without medication, injections, or long-term active care and therapy.

Bite Alignment

Jaw joint problems might be a sign of a misaligned bite. This is called malocclusion and is a common cause of TMJ Disorder and jaw pain. A bite misalignment results in:

  1. Preventing the upper and lower teeth from meshing correctly
  2. The jaw-shifting position
  3. Jaw muscles have to overwork when bringing the teeth together
  4. Jaw pain as the muscles never completely relax, even when not chewing or moving

Symptoms that indicate a bite alignment issue may be the cause of your jaw pain include:

  • Stiffness and pain while chewing
  • Pain or pressure in the jaw when trying to sleep
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Speech problems
  • Tired jaw muscles or general jaw pain

Evaluating a bite is a vital first step toward treating TMJ disorders and jaw pain.

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

People often note experiencing the following jaw joint problems:

  • A limited range of motion
  • Clicking and popping when opening and closing the jaw
  • Muscles that fatigue easily when chewing

A jaw that occasionally locks open or closed is also a sign that points to a TMD. Luckily once you identify the jaw pain causes, you can find treatment at our Allentown, PA, dentist.

Treatment Options at Green Hills Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

There is no one solution to TMJ disorder. Treatment options for TMJ disorder and jaw pain include:

  • Mouthguards
  • Bite correction
  • Repairing or reshaping teeth
  • Dental splints

After a complete dental exam, Dr. Forgosh provides his patients with the most effective, least-invasive treatment plan to restore their quality of life.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you suffer from any jaw joint problems and symptoms, you are not alone. Our Allentown, PA, dental office can assist you. Dr. Forgosh has helped many people overcome their TMDs with symptoms ranging from tired jaws to debilitating headaches and facial pain. He understands the importance of an accurate diagnosis and individualized treatment plan.

If you suffer from TMJ pain, schedule an appointment so we may focus our diagnostics and treatment planning on helping you put it behind you.